A practical and instant way to help the MVPCC is through monthly donations, of any amount. Here’s why:
- A huge amount of our funding is provided through individual sponsors.
Supporting MVPCC is giving tangible resources and help to families who are committed to doing all they can so their child is one of the 80% diagnosed who survive their diagnosis.
- Your donation furthers our reach.
Your monthly donation gives MVPCC increased bandwidth to consistently help the growing number of families who reach out to us. Donations we can bank on give us opportunity to further our reach and help more families.
- Your gift makes a real, direct, and instant impact on patients and their families.
Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, families receive lodging, Wi-Fi, house cleanings, grocery deliver, bill pay assistance, medical care, emotional and mental health support and more.
- By helping families in their darkest time, your donation relieves financial pressure from families, allowing for them to worry less about the days ahead.
Your donation today (and each month that follows) gives to a brighter tomorrow. Families who receive support from the MVPCC can dream about things in the future as possible, rather than worry about the finances of today.
- You don’t have to think twice about it.
The amount you chose to donate each month can be automatically processed each month. This means that your heart for change and giving will still move forward, even in the busyness of our day to day activities.